
Placing a Bond

It takes at least one hour or longer to get an inmate from the location of an arrest through the completion of the booking process. Until the booking is fully completed, the jail will not have any information on that person. Please wait at least one hour before calling the jail to check on charges and bond information.

Bonds must be posted with the Clerk’s offices Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Misdemeanors can be paid in the Misdemeanor Clerks Office, Rm S 231 located inside the Civic Center at 1 NW Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., all other bonds can be posted in Room 216 of the Courts Building located at 825 Sycamore St. 

After normal business hours, the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office will conduct after-hour bonding on behalf of the County Clerk’s Office on Monday through Friday between 4:30 PM and 2:00 AM and on Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 AM.

The person who is posting the bond must have a state-issued photo ID as well as the exact amount of the bond in cash or credit card. The credit card being used must belong to the person who is posting the bond. There is a non-refundable convenience charge on payments made with credit cards, based on the amount of the bond.

In order to post a surety bond, the person must contact a bail bondsman of their choice. Bonds specified as cash only cannot be posted with a surety bond. Please verify the bond type when verifying the bond amount.

Bonding Out an Inmate Being Held Out of County

The Vanderburgh County Jail will accept bonds for inmates housed in surrounding counties within the State of Indiana, that have active misdemeanor warrants in which a bond has been set by the Vanderburgh County courts. If the inmate is being held on local charges from the housing jurisdiction or other warrants from other jurisdictions, it will be the decision of those respective agencies to arrange bonds and/or releases. This facility will only accept bonds for local Vanderburgh County warrants and only Monday through Friday between 4:30 PM and 2:00 AM and on Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 AM.