
Tax Warrants

Tax warrant letters are not arrest warrants. Letters are sent only to inform you of past-due tax liability. If you have questions regarding your financial filings, or if you feel you received a tax warrant letter in error, you will need to contact the Indiana Department of Revenue locally at 812-479-9261. The Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office acts only as a collecting agency for the Indiana Department of Revenue and we do not have access to any of your financial records. If you resolve the tax matter with the State, you do not need to contact our office. The State will recall the tax warrant and inform us electronically.

How to Make Payments

To setup a payment plan, call the Sheriff’s Office Tax Unit at 812-421-6203 or 812-421-6226.

Mail in your first payment and continue to make regular payments. You have 90 days from date of letter to complete your payments. If a balance remains after 90 days, the State will proceed with further action against your debt.

Payments can be made online at indianataxwarrants.com

Mail Payments

You can make payments by mail by sending a cashier’s check or money order (personal or business checks are NOT accepted).

Make payable to:
Vanderburgh County Sheriff

Mail to: 
Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office
Attn: Tax Unit
3500 N. Harlan Ave.
Evansville, IN 47711

Please reference your tax warrant number on the payment.