DATE: August 9, 2024
SUBJECT: Back to School Traffic Safety Enforcement
CONTACT: Major Matt Corn
AUTHORITY: Sheriff Noah Robinson

The Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office is stepping up traffic enforcement around area schools and bus routes to help ensure a safe start to this school year!

The beginning of school has already resulted in a large number of buses on the road, children getting on and off those buses, new bus stop locations, new bus routes, congestion in and around the schools, new student drivers and many other factors to be aware of as our kids return to the classroom. At some school locations, sheriff’s deputies are assisting school personnel with traffic directions in and out of the school parking lots and drop-off zones. The Vanderburgh County Highway Department has placed large school zone warning signs near schools to help warn drivers. The Sheriff’s Office utilizes five specially trained school resource deputies to provide physical security, law enforcement services, and informal student mentoring and counseling at all schools located outside the city limits.

Over the next couple of weeks, sheriff’s deputies will increase patrols to prevent stop-arm violations, speeding, and other forms of reckless driving around school buses and in school zones. The overtime patrols are funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration through grants administered by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI).

“In 2019, Indiana increased the penalty for recklessly disregarding a school bus stop arm from a Class B Misdemeanor to a Class A Misdemeanor. The offense becomes a Level 6 Felony if a child or other person is injured as a result,” said Sheriff Noah Robinson. “Stop-arm violations and school zone speeding needlessly put children’s lives at risk. Leave early for your morning commute. Don’t risk fines, license suspension, or worse just because you elected to hit the snooze button on your alarm clock or worse just to save a minute on your morning commute.

In April 2022, thousands of bus drivers who participated in a one-day observational survey counted 2,041 stop-arm violations in Indiana. That one-day total, when multiplied by the number of school days, adds up to a potential 367,380 violations throughout the school year. The newly released data comes from the National School Bus Illegal Passing Driver Survey, which is managed by the Indiana Department of Education.

Tips for back-to-school safety:

  • If bus service is available, please utilize it.
  • If your student is wearing a mask, make sure it is fitted properly so that their vision is not obstructed while entering and exiting the bus.
  • Please take pictures of your new student before you get to the school. Do not park in the drop-off zones of any of the schools to take your child into class.
  • Utilize the proper restraint systems in your vehicle.
  • Keep your speed to a minimum and pay extra attention in and around school zones and near school bus loading areas.
  • When a school bus stops and a red stop arm or flashing red lights appear, children are boarding or exiting the bus. Be on the lookout for children crossing the street even after the bus has moved on.
  • Please, no cell phone use in the school zones or at any other time while operating a vehicle.
  • Encourage children getting on and off school buses to be very mindful of surrounding traffic, because the traffic may not be watching for them.
  • Give yourself plenty of time. Do not let the frustration of running late compromise the good driving decisions you make.
  • Please call 911 to report dangerous driving situations.

Above: What to do when approaching a stopped school bus with a deployed stop arm.