
A Message from Sheriff Dave Wedding Concerning the COVID-19 Pandemic

A Message from Sheriff Dave Wedding…

In these uncertain times I want to reassure our community that the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office is here for you. The men and women of the Sheriff’s Office are committed to our duty to serve the people of Vanderbrugh County. We will continue to provide quality law enforcement services to the public and care for the inmates in our jail. Nothing will prevent us from carrying out this duty.

Not only is our Office here to serve, but nearly a dozen local agencies that comprise the emergency and public health services of our City and County stand ready. Everyone in this community should know they can rely on the sheriff’s deputies, confinement officers, police officers, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, nurses and doctors of our County and City to answer the call for service.

The truth is that no one truly understands the degree to which COVID-19 will impact our community. I do know that if we follow the instructions of our Health Department, don’t panic, and remember to look out for one another that we will all pull through this together. With simple precautions and a little common sense, we can reduce the spread of this virus.

Please listen to and follow the advice of our local and state health departments, Governor’s Office, Board of Commissioners and Mayor’s Office as well as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Ignore Facebook re-posts and conspiracy theories written by those who seek only to instill fear and mistrust.

Please check in on our elderly and sick neighbors, albeit without exposing them to close contact. Keep your travel to a minimum and focus on ensuring you have adequate food and medications. Please do not place yourself at risk of infection by have unnecessary contact with others.

For those few members of our community who might be thinking this pandemic represents an opportunity to commit crime, be aware. Our deputies will be focused on keeping our businesses and residences protected and stand ready to arrest anyone who attempts to take advantage of our local business owners and residents.

Thank you and stay safe.

Sheriff Dave Wedding