
Law Enforcement Explorer Post Open House

DATE: September 24, 2014
SUBJECT: Law Enforcement Explorer Post Open House
CONTACT: Lt. Jim Martin
AUTHORITY: Sheriff Dave Wedding

Sheriff Dave Wedding announced today that the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office will host a Law Enforcement Explorer Post #82 Open House and Recruitment Night on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 6 p.m. The open house will be held at the Southern Indiana Career and Technical Center located at 1901 Lynch Road. The event is open to young men and women between the ages 16-20 and their families.

Law Enforcement Exploring provides educational training programs for young adults on the purpose, mission and objectives of law enforcement. The program provides career orientation experiences, leadership opportunities and community service activities.

The primary goals of the program are to help young adults choose a career path within law enforcement and to challenge them to become responsible citizens. During the open house, potential post members will have the opportunity to observe just a sample of what they will see and experience throughout their experience with the law enforcement explorer post program. They will also have an opportunity to meet and speak with existing Explorers of Post 82.
The Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office Explorer Post #82 is open to young men and women ages 16 through 20 years old that are enrolled in High School or College with an interest in learning more about careers in the field of law enforcement.

The Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office Explorer Post 82 is entering its third year and recently returned from the 2014 National Law Enforcement Explorer Post Conference in Bloomington, Indiana. Over 1100 Explorers attended this conference from all over the Nation. Last year, over 20 youth from local high schools and universities participated in the Explorer Post. During the year, Explorers participated in classroom and hands-on-training with full time law enforcement and emergency services personnel. Training included: first aid, handcuffing and arrest techniques, firearms, emergency vehicle operations, criminal investigations, and community emergency response.

Along with the class room and hands on training, Explorers participated in traffic control during the Southern Indiana Classic Marathon, interacting with children at the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office Tent at the Vanderburgh County 4H Fair, conducting surveys as part of child safety education with “The Greatest Save” and staffing positions during Field Sobriety Check Points. Explorers have also participated in several “Ride-A-Long” opportunities.
Agencies from federal, state and local levels coordinate the Law Enforcement Exploring programs throughout the United States. The majority of the community programs are managed by local police departments, including sheriffs, chiefs of police and state police.

Nationally, over 33,000 explorers participate in Law Enforcement Exploring. The program highlights include: the National Law Enforcement Exploring Leadership Academies, motor patrol ride-alongs, career achievement awards, National Law Enforcement Exploring Conferences and scholarship opportunities.

Explorers will develop leadership skills and will be provided with improved self-confidence, leadership experience and social network development, fun and exciting “hands-on” career experiences, community service opportunities, college and career readiness preparation and team building.

Law Enforcement Career Exploring posts typically meet on a monthly basis during the school year. Most programs parallel the high school calendar and begin in the fall. There are a number of programs that start at other times during the year to meet the needs of the host organization and participants. Programs are flexible enough to fit in with other activities.

For more information contact Lt. Jim Martin at (812) 421-6263 or email him at [email protected]. You may also follow the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement Explorer Post on Twitter @LEPost82 or on Facebook at VCSO Explorer Post 82. For more information on Explorer Posts visit www.learningforlife.org/exploring.
