
Sheriff’s Office attends USI Health and Wellness Fair

Representatives from the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office attended the University of Southern Indiana Health and Wellness Fair on Wednesday, October 01, 2014. The annual event features dozens of displays and presentations from area businesses and non-profit groups.

Sheriff Dave Wedding spoke with students, faculty and employees of the university about the dangers of impaired driving. “Drunk Goggles” were utilized in order to give students the opportunity to take Standardized Field Sobriety Tests while feeling the approximated effect of alcohol intoxication. The goggles are designed to simulate the effects of impairment by slowing reaction time, creating visual distortions, altering depth and distance perception and reducing peripheral vision.

Sheriff Dave Wedding stated, “The students we spoke to today seemed genuinely receptive to our anti-drunk driving message.” He added, “The Sheriff’s Office frequently visits our local universities to engage with young people in the hopes of changing dangerous behaviors.”

Pictured above: Sheriff Dave Wedding talks with Student Reporter Madeline Kriz with Access USI.

Pictured above: USI student takes a field sobriety test while wearing “drunk goggles”.
