Winter Weather Awareness
Are your prepared for winter weather? Here are some tips for assembling an emergency kit, staying safe during extreme cold temperatures, and more.

What to do if You Find a Gun
Don’t touch If you are a juvenile, tell an adult Immediately call 911 Home safety Dangerous objects The NRA has a well known gun safety program for children. You can learn more HERE.

What to do if You Suspect Terrorist Activity
No matter where you live in the world, your assistance is needed in preventing terrorist acts. It is a fact that certain kinds of activities can indicate terrorist plans that are in the works, especially when they occur at or near high profile sites or places where large numbers of people gather. Government buildings, military...

What to do in a Traffic Stop
Law Enforcement Officers around the United States understand that being stopped by law enforcement can be a stressful situation for the driver. Deputies are tasked with enforcing the numerous traffic laws and regulations enacted by the different legislative bodies of our government. Our main goals for traffic enforcement are to ensure that drivers operate their...

When to Call 911
The Evansville City/Vanderburgh County Joint Department of Central Dispatch is the Primary PSAP for all of Evansville and Vanderburgh County.

What to do if You Suspect Terrorist Activity
No matter where you live in the world, your assistance is needed in preventing terrorist acts. Certain kinds of activities can indicate...

How to be Safe on the Internet
The best form of Online Safety begins at home with you, the parent. We offer you the following tips to keep your child safe on the Internet.

How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft
Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America. It occurs when criminals steal personal identifying information.

Sex Offender Registry
In Indiana, the county Sheriff is generally responsible for registering, verifying, and monitoring convicted sex offenders and violent offenders.

Drug Drop Box
Our office has installed an “Unused, Expired and Unwanted Medication Drop Box” in the main lobby of the Sheriff’s Command Post...

How to Safely Use a Car Seat
Road injuries are the leading cause of preventable deaths and injuries to children in the United States.

Be Prepared for Winter Weather
Are your prepared for winter weather? Here are some tips for assembling an emergency kit, staying safe during extreme cold temperatures, and more.