Applications for non-law enforcement (clerical/support staff) positions within the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office (VCSO) may be obtained Monday – Friday, excluding county holidays, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Resumes may be included in your application, but they are not accepted in lieu of a completed VCSO application. Although applications are being accepted at this time, it does not necessarily mean that there are current vacancies for these positions. Applications will be kept on file for three (3) years.
All applicants must successfully complete several steps, which may include: checks for any record of criminal history, background and reference checks, interviews, fingerprinting, lie-detector examination, and drug screen. Certain positions may require additional testing upon a conditional offer of employment, such as a medical examination, psychological evaluation, extensive background checks, and additional interviews. The minimum age of all clerical and support staff positions is 18.
Dispatch positions are not processed through the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office. Applications are processed through the City of Evansville personnel department. The direct number for City Personnel is (812) 436-4935.
For more information, please contact the administration division at or (812) 421-6203.